Blender Logo

Reviews, Software


Blender 3D is an open source, free-of-charge, animation software that enables you to make your own movies or animations.

Matt Hillier

OpenToonz Logo

Reviews, Software


OpenToonz is a software application used in the production of 2D animation. It was made open-source to provide free access to all creators.

Matt Hillier

TVPaint Animation Logo

Reviews, Software

TVPaint Animation

TVPaint is the ultimate digital representation of traditional 2D animation, designed to help studios and artists create hand-drawn frame-by-frame animation.

Matt Hillier

Adobe Animate Logo

Reviews, Software

Adobe Animate

Adobe Animate enables you to design vector graphics and animate them for a variety of purposes such as online animation, websites and interactive games.

Matt Hillier

Moho Animation Software Logo

Reviews, Software

Moho Animation Software

Moho Animation Software is a tool for experienced or novice animators alike – specializing in puppet or bone based animation.

Matt Hillier

CelAction2D title screen

Reviews, Software


CelAction2D is the go-to software for many professional 2D animators. It is focused on cut-out 2D animation making it one of the premier digital tools in the rigging animation field.

Matt Hillier

Toon Boom Harmony - Title

Reviews, Software

Toon Boom Harmony

As one of the major forces in 2D animation software, Toon Boom Harmony provides an extraordinary range of features that grant remarkable versatility for all types of 2D animated creations.

Matt Hillier